Friday, April 3, 2009

Crafting Obsession?

I have a new online obsession in my life. I am completely addicted to For those of you unfamiliar with Etsy, the site is an online marketplace for buying and selling all things handmade.
It is like a an attractive, crafty ebay (minus the auctions). Apparently this site has been around since 2005, but it is only within the last few months that I clued in and jumped on the bandwagon.

In the last week I have purchased a few handmade items from Etsy that I am itching to receive in the mail. I would not consider myself a hardcore craft enthusiast but the handmade items on this site range from jewelry, children's attire, vintage clothing, home decor and pretty much anything else that you could possibly dream of. Etsy reconnects the producer and consumer, and swings the pendulum back to a time when we bought our bread from the baker, food from the farmer, and shoes from the cobbler. For a very nominal fee you can even start your own Etsy store- I am considering putting up a few of my crocheted items.

You can sign up for your own Etsy account for free Here . But be warned, you will end up spending way more of your free (or work) time surfing this delicious site.