Sunday, April 20, 2008


Wow, what a fabulous time I am having on maternity leave. A typical day might include sleeping in until 9am, watching a little TLC, meeting friends for lunch and then getting a massage. Ben and I have also been renting lots of DVD's for our nights at home. We are currently half way through the 3rd season of The Shield. Not exactly romantic, but lots of great action and plot twists. I am savoring my time right now, since I know that our lives will never be quite so 'selfish' ever again!

This past week I took a quick trip over to Vancouver with Bev, Lisa and Tricia for a 'girls trip.' We were on the hunt for the perfect fabric for Lisa's grad dress but we still had time to check into an amazing downtown hotel and indulge in dining on Robson street. Ben is currently traveling for work in Calgary. He reported on the phone this evening that it is -15 degrees C with wind and snow. Ahhh, the joys of living in Canada. While in snowy Calgary, Ben is going to a couple of the Children's Choir concerts to help out with their merchandising and then he is meeting with a Canadian fashion designer who is eager to work with his organization. He is turning into quite the glamorous jet-setter. I am personally dreading the day when he takes off and leaves me for a work trip to Africa! I am already feeling jealous about it and the trip is not even planned yet.

I am happy to report that Baby G is in the correct position, meaning that I will not be going in for a scheduled C-section. It would have been nice to choose Lily's birthday, but I can deal with not being operated on while still awake. I officially feel like a ticking time bomb. At 37 weeks pregnant I could technically go into labour anytime between now and 5 weeks from now (if I am way overdue). Last Friday night I woke up a few times in the night experiencing what I assume are 'practice' contractions. But they were still painful enough to wake me up 3 times. Baby just needs to stay in her little home a while longer so that she will be fat and healthy!
I apologize if you are getting bored by my shots of the giant belly, but I feel that I should document them for posterity and use them to scare promiscuous teenagers into celibacy.

The Big Baby in the Belly at 37 weeks.


Unknown said...

(it says this is robert, but its tiff)

O damn! Look at that belly!